Maze game; calm and relaxing for you to take a break from your routine.

This is the first game made by EnroqueH8 Games, with the excellent and talented collaboration of two artists (graphics and sounds) who made this an enjoyable game.

PingüinOrbe has been made for the Mini Jam 87, but even if We don't win Game Jam, this game will still be in development for a short time. The version of PingüinOrbe that was submit for Mini Jam 87: Break is the PingüinOrbe 0.2.0.


Sound Artist 

Liz Martin; composer and sound designer.

Graphic Artist

Pringles; designer and artist of pixel art.

Game Developer

Stib; game designer and programmer.


There are effects sound and animations that the browser game does not have but that the executable does have.


Press arrows to move the penguin.

Press space bar to slide and accelerate .

Press O to zoom out the camera.

Remember!! The goal is find the scepter ins the shortest possible time. The snow balls increase your time counter and the marks in the floor that light on when your move in there helps you to decrease your time.


PingüinOrbe 40 MB
PingüinOrbe 41 MB

Install instructions

To play PingüinOrbe on your computer; what you have to do is download the folder, unzip the folder and run the application ... that simple.

Development log


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(1 edit)

He creado un video recopilando algunos de los juegos que más me interesaron de la Mini Jam 87. Espero les guste.

Me gusto, el que la inercia este rota es un buen toque... Pero si fuera contra reloj entendería mejor ese punto. Así, hola, mi nombre esta en los créditos, pero no por eso mi comentario es menos honesto xd